I offer language, translation, communication and training services to private persons and companies for their various needs with a personal touch.
En–Fi, Fi–En
• Marketing communications, travel, culture, education etc.
• Websites, brochures, articles, media releases, product packages, advertising and marketing materials, CVs, abstracts, etc.
• Literary translations into Finnish
• Audiovisual translations (subtitling)
Translations are needed for various purposes. In translations, it is important to transmit the message of the original text in another language to a new target group. The correctness of the translation, flawless and idiomatic language as well as appropriate style guarantee that the translation serves its purpose and is pleasant to read. Searching for information and checking facts are integral parts of the process. So, if you need your material to be translated from Finnish to English or from English to Finnish, don’t hesitate to drop me a line!

texts to your needs
• Tailor-made texts to meet your needs in Finnish and English.
• Company websites, brochures, newsletters, blog posts, content marketing, etc.
Interesting, fluent and smart communication that serves its purpose is an important part of creating a company’s brand image. Appropriate style, necessary content and correct language form a winning combination that will increase your company’s credibility and appeal. I can pick what’s most important in your company, product or service and ideas and turn it into coherent and effective content that will convey your message to your audience your way. Don’t hesitate to share your vision with me!
proofreading and copyediting
• Checking and fine-tuning your text’s spelling, grammar, structures, vocabulary and style.
• Consultation on all kinds of text- and language-related questions.
Your texts build your image. Flawless, clear, concise and consistent texts increase your credibility and appeal. Whether your text needs a light touch-up or more profound improving contact me and we can tune your text to perfection!

English for business and pleasure
• English language courses one on one or in small groups, general language skills or professional language of your field
• Language workshops in Finnish and English
I offer tailor-made language training for your or your company’s needs. With me, you can brush up your skills, learn the basics of English, practice your conversational skills, hone your pronunciation, fine-tune your writing or learn the vocabulary of your field in a relaxed, jovial and supportive atmosphere. You can choose teaching one on one or in a small group. Tell me your needs and we can create a course that serves you best!